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Safety While Traveling Internationally - Virtual Exporter Round Table

Register for the FREE Virtual Exporter Roundtable: Safety While Traveling Internationally!

Wednesday, June 28, 2023, 1130am to 1pm EST.

U.S. exporters and members of the Central-North Florida District Export Council, OWIT - Organization of Women in International Trade, Tampa Bay OWIT, OWIT South Florida, and US Commercial Service will share their own travel experience and safety tips.

Learn about potential threats and risks that could present themselves to the unprepared traveler, understand how and why you could be targeted by foreign adversaries, how to recognize basic tradecraft, and how to employ your own tradecraft as a way of ensuring your defense and safety while abroad. - Issues of Travel Safety and Crime - Threat Recognition & Risk Mitigation - Resources on Travel Warnings/Advisories, Country and Culture Reports - Types of environments that pose the greatest risk to travelers

Speakers include: Dan O'Shea - Director of Special Operations, Equitus Corporation Former U.S. Navy SEAL, Dan O'Shea has a proven leadership track record and background in the tactical execution of initiatives and strategic objectives. Dan has extensive experience and expertise operating in dangerous environments and conflict zones. His subject matter expertise includes Combating Hostage-Terrorism; Kidnap & Ransom (K&R); qualified Anti-Terrorism / Force Protection (AT/FP) Officer; Risk Mitigation & Travel Safety; and has international experience in over 40 countries.

Exporters Panel: --Charles Alvarado, CME - V. P. of Sales , Amalie Oil Company Barbara Grunewald - Owner and Director, BSG International Consulting LLC -Monica Richardson-Morley - CEO - Mamachas Trading Inc., SVP - Palladio Beauty Group. We will have time for Q&A with support from Brent Barkway, CGBP.

Moderated by Sandra Campbell - Director, U.S. Commercial Service Tampa Bay, U.S. Department of Commerce / International Trade Administration.

Click HERE to register!


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