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Sponsorship Opportunities

Become an IBWOY Awards Sponsor

The South Florida Chapter of the Organization of Women in International Trade (OWIT-South Florida) cordially invites you to sponsor our next Annual International Business Woman of the Year (IBWOY) Awards Luncheon.


The IBWOY Awards Luncheon will bring together more than 300 members of the South Florida community, including past IBWOY Award winners, to pay tribute to this year’s extraordinary honorees. The IBWOY Awards Luncheon will gather women and men in the South Florida international business and trade industry for dining and networking with the opportunity to engage new contacts, friends, business connections, and colleagues.


The event includes a one-hour VIP Sponsor Reception prior to the luncheon providing an intimate environment for networking with our VIP sponsors and our featured speaker. Following the VIP Sponsor Reception, attendees enjoy a seated lunch overlooking the Miami skyline. The event concludes with the presentation of the IBWOY Awards to our three distinguished winners.


Proceeds from this event will fund scholarships for women at South Florida universities studying international business or trade.


If you have questions about the IBWOY Awards, the event, or sponsorship, please contact:



We look forward to seeing you there!



Sponsorship Packages


Presenting Sponsor- $5,000


This package includes:


  • Prominent position of company logo on IBWOY Awards event website and Awards Luncheon program and mention in press releases and promotional materials reaching hundreds of influential members of the South Florida community, including media members and OWIT-South Florida’s membership.

  • Logo signage at the Awards Luncheon in prominent locations and in video presentation played during event.

  • Two (2) tables of 10 guests (for a total of 20 guests) in a premium location at the luncheon and the opportunity for one (1) of your guests to be seated with the featured speaker or the award winner of your choice.

  • 20 guests admitted to the VIP Sponsor Reception and a photograph with IBWOY award recipient.

  • The first three Presenting or Corporate Sponsors to sign up will have the opportunity to present one of the IBWOY Awards.  This is only available to the first three companies signing up at these levels, so please act fast!

  • The opportunity to provide a gift from your company in the gift baskets provided to each of the three award winners.

  • Recognition of your company from the podium during the awards presentation.

  • The opportunity to display company materials and promotional gifts at our Sponsors’ Table displayed at entryway to event.

  • A list of the attendees for post-event follow up.


Corporate Sponsor - $3,000

This package includes:


  • The placement of your company logo on the OWIT-South Florida IBWOY Awards event website and Awards Luncheon program and mention in press releases and promotional materials reaching hundreds of influential members of the South Florida community, including media members and OWIT-South Florida’s membership.

  • Logo signage at the Awards Luncheon in prominent locations and in video presentation played during event.

  • One table of 10 guests in a premium location at the luncheon and the opportunity to be seated with the award winner of your choice.

  • 10 guests admitted to the VIP Sponsor Reception and a photograph with IBWOY award recipient.

  • The first three Presenting or Corporate Sponsors to sign up will have the opportunity to present one of the IBWOY Awards.  This is only available to the first three companies signing up at these levels, so please act fast!

  • The opportunity to provide a gift from your company in the gift baskets provided to each of the three award winners.

  • Recognition of your company from the podium during the awards presentation.

  • The opportunity to display company materials and promotional gifts at our Sponsors’ Table displayed at entryway to event.

  • A list of the attendees for post-event follow up.

Supporting Sponsor - $1,500


This package includes:


  • The placement of your company logo on IBWOY Awards event website and Awards Luncheon program and mention in press releases and promotional materials reaching hundreds of influential members of the South Florida community, including media members and OWIT-South Florida’s membership.

  • Logo signage at the Awards Luncheon in prominent locations and in video presentation played during event.

  • One (1) table of 10 guests at the luncheon.

  • Five (5) guests admitted to the VIP Sponsor Reception and a photograph with IBWOY award recipient.

  • Recognition of your company from the podium during the awards presentation.


Table Sponsor - $750

This package includes one (1) table for 10 guests at the luncheon.
Individual Ticket Pricing:

  • Individual Luncheon Ticket – Members (pre-sale) - $85

  • Individual Luncheon Ticket – Non-members (pre-sale) - $95

  • Individual Luncheon Ticket – Members & Non-members (at the door) - $105

  • Individual VIP & Luncheon Ticket (pre-sale) - $150

  • Individual VIP & Luncheon Ticket (at the door) - $175




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